There are more than 20 thousand rivers and more than 10 thousand lakes in Belarus. The biggest one is Lake Naroch that occupies 79.6 sq. km.
The forests cover 36 % and the bogs — about 13% of the whole territory. The latter plays a great climatic and hydrological role.

Belarus has established national parks, special nature reserve and wildlife sanctuaries aimed at the preservation of the unique nature areas, conservation and increase of rare and disappearing species of flora and fauna and nature changes monitoring. The total area of landscape under the ecological monitoring is 7% of the whole territory.

The biggest National Parks are “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, “Braslav Lakes”, “Pripyatsky”, “Narochanski” and Berezinsky biosphere special nature reserve and Polessky ecological national park.
For the past years all of them have been actively serving as the basis of ecological tourism. There are specially organized hunting tours guided by the experimental hunting forestries, created in the special nature reserve, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.