Map of Pripyatski >>>
260 km to the south from the City of Minsk and 350 km to the east of Brest, the west border of Belarus, at the very centre of Byelorussian Polessie, there lies National park "Pripyatski". The headquarters of the National park is located at Turov town, some 28 km from the Brest-Briansk highway. It was established in 1969.
National park "Pripiatsky" is located in the subzone of Broad-leaved-and-pine forests of the European Broad-leaved-forest Domain. Climate is temperate, warm, with a not hot summer and relatively mild, alternating with frequent thaws and unsteady snow cover, winter. Its area is exceeding 750 sq. km. The relief is flat, lower and, actually, constitutes an ancient flood-plain comprising the Pripiat-River bottom land, benches passing in the south into the fluvio-glacial plain. There are several streams and creeks crossing the National park from South to North. 30 small lakes are dispersed over its territory.
Fauna of the National park runs into 45 mammals species, 256 species of birds, 7 reptiles, 11 amphibians and 37 fishes. Amongst them: the European bison, badger, lynx, black stork, grey crane, short-toed eagle, greater spotted eagle, horned owl, bog turtle, running toad, smooth snake, sterlet. Flora is represented by 826 species of higher plants and more than 200 moss species. The Nature Reserve contains all the types of forest characteristic of Polessye. Of special interest are flood-plain landscapes where peculiar vegetation complexes have been formed under regular floods.
These are represented by unique oak-groves and ashwoods, replaced by black alder and willows at depressions. Amongst them are scattered wonderful small lakes amassed with fish. A number of different types of routes are offered to a tourist: car-riding, walking, water-ways, on horseback, the duration from one to several days. The most intriguing is the water-way tour: it starts from Turov-town or at any other site, runs along the Pripiat River. Guests may acquaint themselves with a unique riverside and its floodplain landscapes. Those wishing may have an opportunity to fish. In the Hunting Ground "Lyaskovichi", there is a possibility to organize hunting on a commercial basis.
Map of Pripyatski >>>