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Braslavskiye Ozyora

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Braslavskiye Ozyora

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National park "Braslavskie Ozyora" (Braslavsky Lakes) is located in the south-west of the Republic of Belarus, some 250 km from Minsk, and occupies about 72,000 ha. It is worthy to note that it is the newest national Park in the Republic, established in August 1995.

The unique ecology of this lake district bears traces of the Ice Age, and the lakes the largest of which are Drivyaty, Snudy, Strusto, Voiso, Voloso, Severny, Nedrovo, Daubli, Potekh, etc., spread among a hilly relief. Each lake has its own peculiarities and unique beauty. The total area of the water table of the lakes amounts to 183 sq. km, or about 10 percent of the territory of the District.

Flora of the region numbers more than 800 plant species, including about 20 rare and disappearing species listed in the Red-Data Book of the Republic of Belarus. Typical and unique (relicts included) zoocomplexes and groupings of several valuable representatives of the animal kingdom are widely represented in the territory of National Park. The main assets of the Braslavsky Lakes Region are aquatic ecosystems with a diverse, and frequently unique, fauna. Braslavshchina lakes lie at the south border of the range of relic invertebrates - clean water indicators. Also, the lakes posses diverse ichthyofauna. At present, 30 fish species inhabit the place, among them the eel a food-fish. The territory of the Park accommodates up to 35 percent of the composition of the ornithofauna nesting in Belarus. The most widely represented are the Charadriformes, Galliformes, and large birds of pray. 45 species are found in the Red-Data Book. The group of game-birds is rich both specifically (Tetraonidae, Limicolae, waterfowl) and quantitatively (up to 15 percent of the stock of the entire feathered game of the Lake District are concentrated in the area).

The following Red-Data Book species of mammals were found in the territory of the Braslav District: the badger, the lynx, the brown bear, the flying squirrel. Also frequent are the moose, the wild boar, the roe. The National Park Centre is located in one of the ancient cities of Belarus Braslav, mentioned for the First time in the records in the beginning of the XI century. The city is situated on the north shore of the Drivyaty Lake, on a height buried in verdure. A number of different types of routes are offered to tourists: car-riding, walking, water-ways, on horseback, the duration from one to several days. Also, there are a museum, camping "Slobodka" (25 beds), resorts "Drivyaty", "Zolovo" (76 beds), sauna, camping sites in the lap of nature, yacht-club.

Map of Braslavskiye Ozyora >>>

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